Events and Seminars
October 23, 2013
November 6-7, 2013
April 9-10, 2014
October 15-16, 2014
March 17, 2016
Aggressively Improve Cost, Quality and Throughput
Revolutionize your cost structure and efficiency while enhancing quality through the systematic removal of process waste and delays.
Learn the four nondelegable tasks to optimize the power of Lean Six Sigma and the Toyota Production System principles.
See how medical errors, process waste/waits/delays and lost productivity are directly related to cost recovery.
You'll also learn:
The relationship between medical errors, process waste, waits and delays and lost productivity, and cost recovery.
Examine how best practices from other industries and leading healthcare systems have reduced process waste and converted error reduction and waste into productivity and cost recovery.
Translate the findings from "Good to Best in Healthcare," a study of low-cost performers compared to high-cost performers, illustrating practices for quantum improvement.